For the last decade, people of a certain persuasion believed, that their unquestioning faith and loyalty to their Beloved Leader, only came with benefits and dividends. There was no cost involved. They could wave their fingers, or fists, if they felt so inclined, at anyone who dared disagree, and they would come to no harm. Indeed, the more vehement, and violent, they were in professing their worship of their God Incarnate, the quicker they would ascend to power in the new Reich.
Periodically, Beloved Leader would demand a more overt demonstration of unquestioning devotion. If he shuttered large parts of the economy with a bizarre demonetization, they would come out in droves to defend him for his audacious decision, never mind their firsthand experiences of small businesses shuttering. If he swung on a jhoola with the northern adversary, or lavished hospitality on selfsame dictator, he was applauded for his personal diplomacy. Even when terrorists attacked a convoy deep inside our borders, somehow he became the knight in shining armour and the valiant who had to get another turn in office. Crooks fled to foreign lands and his predecessors were blamed. The economy was on a trajectory to devastation and the fandom called it a much delayed spring cleaning of the cobwebs. After all, EVERYTHING was BLji's masterstroke.
The quagmire had begun to swallow whatever was left of incomes, employment and growth before 2019 ended. Then 2020 happened.
We are where we have never been before. The pandemic was ignored as fear mongering by pappu, and no response was put in place. Until, true to form, inaction made way for surrealism. We banged taali-thaali, lit diya and batti and showered flowers on diverse places, because this Mahabharata would be won in 21 days. And yet, the Devout stayed unwavering in their devotion. As violent as ever in their defence of His Infallibility.
He, however, was not satisfied. He needed more evidence of complete suspension of disbelief and absolute prostration, so he decided to ratchet up the Reality Distortion Field.
He began tossing birdseed at his faith army even as the world tumbled into helplessness and despair. And they clapped and cheered. Knowing something which they could never tell anyone. That they'd been had. And now there was no turning back from the Abyss.
Everything has a price.
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